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累计签到:119 天 连续签到:3 天 [LV.200]无线新星
发表于 2006-4-10 08:38
1.IEEE 802.16标准
摘要:文章介绍了支持宽带无线接入系统的空中接口标准IEEE 802.16的制订进程、发展现状和趋势,并重点对标准媒体访问控制(MAC)层和物理层的技术特点进行了分析。文章指出IEEE 802.16标准为宽带无线接入网的开发和应用提供了很好的平台,随着宽带业务的快速增长,将成为未来无线接入技术的发展方向之一。
Abstract:In this paper, the developing process, the state of arts and trend of IEEE standard 802.16 are introduced and emphasis goes to the main technical characteristics of Media Access Control (MAC) layer and physical layer. It is pointed out that IEEE standard 802.16 has provided a fine development and application platform for broadband wireless access networks. With the rapid growth of broadband services, this standard will become one of the evolution directions of the wireless access technology in the future.
Comparison Between WiMAX and xDSL, Wi-Fi and 3G
Abstract:In the aspects of technology, application and market, this paper compares WiMAX with other important broadband access technologies like xDSL, Wi-Fi and 3G. It thinks that the WiMAX system theoretically has wider coverage, higher data rate and stronger scalability than xDSL, that it can be used at more frequency bands and has more flexible bandwidth and better QoS and security performance than Wi-Fi, and that with a higher data rate of the single link and better frequency spectrum efficiency than 3G, it matches up to the enhanced 3G system. The paper includes that as supplements to one another, WiMAX, xDSL, Wi-Fi and 3G technologies may finally offer integrated broadband wireless access services to meet demands of various application markets.
2 WiMAX系统及其设备研发 下载
摘要:文章根据WiMAX系统的市场定位及设备需求,较详细地探讨了WiMAX系统及设备研发需要考虑的主要方面,包括需求和产品定义、技术整合、产品架构,以及目前产业链发展现状及技术走向,并从中得出了一些有价值的结论。文章认为WiMAX产品研发需要在借鉴WiFi模式的同时更多地完成技术整合,WiMAX必须继续坚持其开放性、低成本及新技术的发展方向,致力于宽带无线接入(BWA)及移动宽带无线接入(MBWA)相互兼容、相互补充的发展之路。Abstract:This paper describes several main aspects of WiMAX system development. Based on the requirements of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) markets, it discusses the product definition, technologies integration, architecture design, and the current status of WiMAX industry and technical tendency. Some results can be helpful for developing WiMAX systems. The paper also concludes that the WiMAX system development should pay more attention to the technology integration and pursue product development in the direction of maintaining openness, low cost and technology innovation. Both BWA and mobile BWA application should be considered at the design stage. 4.<a href="http://forum.anywlan.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=1561&star=1#6603"><font color="#ff0000">WiMAX应用潜力分析
摘要:文章分析了WiMAX在固定宽带无线接入场合和便携、移动通信场合的应用前景。文章认为:在固定宽带无线通信中,WiMAX 会广泛应用于家庭用户、IP语音用户、传输承载用户和集团客户,为他们提供宽带无线接入;在便携、移动通信中,IEEE 802.16即将集成到笔记本电脑和个人数字助理(PDA)等便携式电子设备中,实现在城域网范围内的可移动的宽带无线数据服务;用户需求加上WiMAX设备的批量上市及终端成本的下降,WiMAX的应用潜力巨大,市场将呈几何级增长。
Abstract:The application prospects of WiMAX in situations of fixed broadband wireless access, portable access and mobile access are analyzed in the paper. It is predicted that in fixed broadband wireless communications, WiMAX will be widely used for family users, IP voice users, transmission bearing users and group users, providing broadband wireless access services; in portable and mobile communications, IEEE 802.16 will be integrated into laptop computer, personal digital assistant (PDA) and other portable electronic devices, providing mobile broadband wireless data services in MAN. It is concluded that with the increase of subscriber demands and scaled production of WiMAX equipment as well as the decrease of terminal costs, WiMAX is facing a huge market applications.
Abstract:Based on the introduction of WiMAX standards, relevant technologies and applications, three essential factors for WiMAX networking, i.e., frequency multiplexing, authentication /billing and mobility management, are analyzed. Networking solutions for fixed-line and mobile applications are presented respectively. It is noted that the evolution of wireless WiMAX networking will experience four phases: outdoor access, indoor access, seam roaming and seamless roaming. It is predicted that WiMAX will be eventually converged into NGN and mobile cellular networks.
摘要:文章对无线城域网中的服务质量(QoS)实现、正交频分多址(OFDMA)物理层技术与链路自适应技术相结合算法进行了研究。在无线城域网中,IEEE 802.16 媒体接入控制(MAC)层通过将MAC传输的包映射到业务流,并映射到由连接标识(CID)标识的连接上,通过根据业务流(SF)提供的QoS参数进行调度,保障MAC的QoS特性;链路自适应技术根据无线信道变化,通过不断监测无线链路自适应地调整物理层参数。
Abstract:The implementation of QoS in Wireless-MAN and the algorithm of combining physical layer and link adaptation technologies are studied in this paper. In Wireless-MAN, there are two ways to guarantee media access control (MAC) layer QoS: IEEE 802.16 MAC layer maps incoming packets into service flow (SF) and connections indicated by connection ID (CID); scheduling are performed according to the QoS parameters provided by SF. In addition, link adaptation can adaptively adjust physical layer parameters based on the monitoring of radio channel changes. |