yijiexiao 发表于 2008-9-9 11:45



OmniPeek Product Line Wireless Drivers
OmniPeek 产品所需的无线驱动

Forwireless network analysis, OmniPeek requires the installation ofspecial drivers to capture wireless management, control, and datapackets. In addition to providing support for wireless networkanalysis, these drivers provide complete support for network serviceswhen OmniPeek is not being used.

WildPacketssupports wireless network adapters from many different manufacturers,based on the underlying wireless chipset used in the device. Supportedfeatures may vary based on the underlying chipset. Please refer to thefollowing descriptions to find supported wireless adapters and toidentify and download the appropriate drivers for the hardware.

Compatible Wireless Adapters and Drivers

Marvell-based wireless adapters

Marvellhas developed a driver that works with OmniPeek products. This driverprovides full support for all OmniPeek features, including 802.11nsupport as well as WPA/PSK decryption, noise measurement and hardwaretime-stamping. The list of commercially available wireless adapters,along with a link to the required driver, is as follows.

Marvell 开发了一种驱动,可以与OmniPeek配合工作。这种驱动支持OmniPeek的全部功能与特性,包括802.11n、WPA/PSK解密、噪音测量和定时标记。以下是使用这种芯片的商用无线卡列表,以及对应驱动的下载地址: ModelBandDriverDownload型号
Buffalo WLI-CB-AG300Na/b/g/nMarvell v3.0.18_1DownloadNetgear WN511Tb/g/nMarvell v3.0.18_1Download
Thislist is expected to grow as more Marvell-based 11n wireless adaptersare introduced.These adapters provide support for complete wirelessnetwork analysis: a/b/g/n.

This driver is produced and supported by Marvell. For further information, please refer to Marvell: Consumer Driver Search.
这种驱动是由Marvell开发和支持的,如欲了解详情,请参考Marvell: Consumer Driver Search.

Atheros-based wireless adapters

WildPacketsdevelops its own Atheros wireless drivers to support Atheros-basedwireless network adapters, and we support a broad range of hardware.These drivers are designed for use with Atheros AR5001, AR5002, AR5004,AR5005, AR5006 and AR5008 chipset-based adapters, and support advancedfunctionalities such as 802.11n (AR5008-based adapters only), WPA/PSKdecryption, noise measurement and hardware time-stamping in allOmniPeek products.

基于Atheros的网卡驱动是由Wildpackets自己开发的,并能支持很广范围的硬件。这些驱动适合基于AR5001, AR5002, AR5004, AR5005,AR5006 和AR5008芯片组的无线卡,而且OmniPeek的全部产品支持802.11n(需配合基于AR5008的卡)、WPA/PSK解密、噪音测量和硬件时间标记功能。

WildPackets currently supports three versions ofthe Atheros driver, v3.0.1.12, v4.2.2.9 and v6.0.4.13. The applicationof these drivers is typically as follows.

Wildpackets现在支持基于Atheros三个版本的驱动:v3.0.1.12,v4.2.2.9 和 v6.0.4.13. 驱动的应用对照如下表:
Atheros ChipsetDriver VersionAtheros芯片组 驱动版本号AR5001v3.0.1.12, v4.2.2.9AR5002v4.2.2.9AR5004v4.2.2.9AR5005v4.2.2.9AR5006v4.2.2.9AR5008v6.0.4.13

Someolder Atheros wireless adapters, usually those based on the AtherosAR5001 chipset, are incompatible with driver v4.2.2.9. In these cases,driver v3.0.1.12 should be used.
有些旧的Atheros无线卡,一般基于Atheros AR5001芯片组,与驱动v4.2.2.9不兼容,这样的话,只能使用驱动v3.0.1.12。

Allthree driver versions are included with OmniPeek. Those drivers can befound in the following directory: ProgramFiles\WildPackets\OmniPeek\Driver\atheros. Instructions for installingor uninstalling a driver version are included in the driver readme.
OmniPeek包括全部三个版本的驱动。可以在Program Files\WildPackets\OmniPeek\Driver\atheros文件夹找到这些驱动。驱动安装与写在方法在Readme文件中进行了说明。

yijiexiao 发表于 2008-9-9 11:46

虽然任何基于Atheros的pc卡或者mimi-PCI卡(使用受支持的芯片组)都可以在OminiPeek下工作,但是下面的卡都是经过验证的,而且表现不错: ModelBand DriverDownload型号频带 驱动下载Netgear WAG511a/b/gv4.2.2.9DownloadSMC 2336A-AGa/b/gv4.2.2.9DownloadOrinoco Gold 8480WDa/b/gv4.2.2.9DownloadCisco CB21AGa/b/gv4.2.2.9Download3Com 3CRPAG175a/b/gv3.0.1.12DownloadNEC Aterm WL300NCa/b/g/nv6.0.4.13DownloadD-Link DWA-652 b/g/nv6.0.4.13DownloadOther hardware models其它

To see a list of commercially available Atheros-based wireless adapters and the chipsets they use, please see http://customerproducts.atheros.com/customerproducts/default.asp

Intel Centrino
IntelCentrino 卡
OmniPeeknatively supports WLAN adapters that utilize the Centrino 3945 chipsetfor a/b/g wireless analysis. A custom driver is not needed for theseadapters as the application will automatically recognize the adapter.For more details on Intel Centrino support in OmniPeek, pleasereference: http://www.wildpackets.com/support/omni/omnipeek_enterprise/faq
OmniPeek直接支持使用Centrino 3945 芯片组无线卡的a/bg无线分析功能。OmniPeek可以直接识别使用这种芯片组的无线卡,不需要令加驱动,请参考

Third-Party Applications
WildPackets does not authorize or support the use of our proprietary drivers in any applications other than OmniPeek.

USB Wireless Adapter Support
We do not support any USB wireless adapters at this time. USB card support is under consideration for a future product release.
现在不提供USB无线卡支持,不过将来会发布USB 产品支持

[ 本帖最后由 yijiexiao 于 2008-9-9 11:49 编辑 ]

caijian0714 发表于 2008-9-9 11:57


test2008 发表于 2008-9-9 12:30


pilgrim 发表于 2008-9-9 12:44

我的TP-LINK WN650G 驱动已经升级为Atherso无线驱动了 (AR5005GS),可为什么在Omnipeek里面的wildpackets api状态为NO呢?:(

Qimei_d 发表于 2008-9-9 21:51

我的刚好是intel 3945,好用;P ;P

bigliuxing 发表于 2008-9-9 21:55


wfhwfh 发表于 2008-9-10 02:38


wwp23 发表于 2008-9-12 09:17


empenguin 发表于 2008-9-23 15:11


w3bs3ll 发表于 2008-10-8 13:58

楼主没有写linksys WUSB600N

yongshuo 发表于 2008-10-8 14:08

期待发布USB 产品支持。
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