[设计笔记]MAX2829 802.11a/b/g收发器用于无线电视的参考设计
<h1><font size="3">MAX2829 802.11a/b/g Transceiver Used in Wireless TV Reference Design</font></h1><em>Wave TV™ TV reference design uses the MAX2829 802.11a/b/g transceiver and ViXS software to produce a complete wireless TV server/client solution. The dual radio design significantly extends range and gives higher throughput.</em><br/><p> </p><br/><p><span class="subhead">WaveTV™ Wireless TV Reference Design</span><br/><b>Highest Performance System</b> </p><ul><li>ViXS Software VQoS™ Technology <ul><li>Network Monitoring to Determine Impacts to Network in a Hostile Environment </li><li>Real-Time Video Bit-Rate Adjustment </li></ul></li><li>ViXS Wireless ER™ Performance Technology Using Matrix II 802.11a/b/g <ul><li>Whole Home Coverage </li><li>Rate Acceleration and Expansion </li></ul></li><li>Highest Quality Xcode II MPEG Processing—Best MPEG Encoding at Any Bit Rate </li></ul><b>Complete Wireless TV Server/Client Solution</b> <ul><li>ODM-Ready Production Design </li><li>Includes Software/Hardware with Full Documentation </li></ul><b>Documentation Lowest Cost Solution</b> <ul><li>Lowest Component Count </li><li>802.11 Standards-Compliant Parts </li><li>Scalable to Add Another Client with Little Incremental Cost </li></ul><script language="javascript">null</script><a href="mailto:WLAN@maximhq.com">Request the complete reference design.</a> <p><span class="small">VQoS, WaveTV, and Wireless ER are trademarks of ViXS Systems, Inc.</span></p> <font color="#ff0000" size="2">下载电子版:</font><br/> 沙发,顶一下!<P>谢谢分享!!!</P> 多谢 啦! 好东西啊,顶一下………… 非常有用的资料! 路过,看看... 好资料,不过对于我真的没有什么用,