Cisco Unified Wireless Network技术要点以及合并建议
【文件原名】: Cisco Unified Wireless Network 技术要点【资料成文时间】:2008年
【作者】: 思科
The Cisco Unified Wireless Network is the industry’s only unified wired and wireless solution to
deliver cost-effective, high performance wireless networks for business critical mobility. This
innovative solution brings mobility to endpoint devices and users, providing them with anytime,
anywhere network access. This award-winning solution delivers industry-leading mobility services
that enable innovative applications to streamline business operations and improve productivity.
【文件原名】: 将现有网络合并到Cisco Unified Wireless Network指导建议
【作者】: 思科
Cisco is encouraging customers to migrate to the Cisco Unified Wireless Network. This
paper presents guidelines, tools, and programs to assist organizations with planning their
migration strategy. Discover why now is the right time to migrate to the Cisco Unified
Wireless Network. E??太贵了~~~~心在淌血啊~~ 嗯,没啥意见,不知道说什么好
减肥药排行榜 减肥排行榜 顶。。。。。丫丫
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