duananzhao 发表于 2008-7-23 05:46

<p>好 顶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

casey6316 发表于 2008-7-23 11:38

dragonbbc 发表于 2008-7-23 15:23


rolf 发表于 2008-7-23 16:49

哈哈 继续 回复一下又何妨

mtu 发表于 2008-7-23 18:07


hk3398 发表于 2008-7-23 20:58


DANEY 发表于 2008-7-23 21:30


syzxtang 发表于 2008-7-23 21:36


jbnjbn 发表于 2008-7-23 22:07


yansj 发表于 2008-7-24 00:46


szyx 发表于 2008-7-24 08:36


newsinowin 发表于 2008-7-24 08:54

<p>按你的命令打入后出现</p><p>root@bt:~# aireplay-ng -4 -e ty -a001478cfebfa -h 001122334455 -i rtap0 eth1<br/>The interface MAC (00:0E:35:7B:D9:79) doesn't match the specified MAC (-h).<br/>      ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55<br/>02:20:19Waiting for beacon frame (ESSID: ty) on channel 0<br/>Found BSSID "00:14:78:CF:EB:FA" to given ESSID "ty".<br/>02:20:19rtap0 is on channel 0, but the AP uses channel 6</p><p>不成功。。。能指导我 一下吗??<br/></p>
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