- 注册时间
- 2008-11-15
- 金币
- 8 个
- 威望
- 0 个
- 荣誉
- 0 个
air login: root
Login incorrect
air login: root
BusyBox v1.10.0.svn (2009-06-24 10:06:57 EDT) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# cd /mnt/USB
# ls
# cd /mnt/usb
-ash: cd: can't cd to /mnt/usb
# cd /mnt/USB/USB_C
# ls
downloads mldonkey run.sh
# ./run.sh
mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/USB/USB_C/downloads': File exists
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 2.9.5 ...
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [cO] Language EN, locale ASCII, ulimit for open files 1024
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /root/.mldonkey
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [Gettext] Loading language resource mlnet_strings.EN_ASCII
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [Gettext] set_strings_file: Exception Stream.Failure in mlne
t_strings.EN_ASCII at pos 4096
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [cO] loaded language resource file
2010/01/20 11:14:34 [DNS] Resolving [air] ...
2010/01/20 11:14:35 [DNS] Resolving [www .mldonkey.org] ...
2010/01/20 11:15:05 [DNS] Resolving [mldonkey.sf.net] ...
2010/01/20 11:15:35 [DNS] Resolving [ww w.mldonkey.net] ...
2010/01/20 11:16:05 [DNS] Resolving [ww w.google.com] ...
The core therefore is unable to get eDonkey serverlists and loading
.torrent files via dllink from websites is also impossible.
If you are using MLDonkey in a chroot environment you should
consider reading this article to get DNS support back:
htt p://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Chroot
2010/01/20 11:16:35 [cO] Logging in /root/.mldonkey/mlnet.log
2010/01/20 11:16:42 [dMain] Core started
谁知道为什么解析不了DNS |