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本帖最后由 vodka 于 2009-2-2 19:41 编辑 7 @! M% Y+ B k G1 }0 H
: C2 f6 H3 s# P. khttp://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=slitaz
: \; |: n; A `9 d* }/ j6 P% {
4 B# w+ y6 `& }$ T9 q9 q0 j: [ Y5 P$ s) N" X: g
# N$ b) ^: z2 y: n! f1 {- R$ d$ ^5 e7 q& E; b
4 M# X4 V, y! Q( ]& x" ?$ l5 c下载光盘版: ftp://vmware.aircrack-ng.org/slitaz-aircrack-ng-20090131.iso
/ V. x( W! d& r4 q[url=]Download / Installation[/url]
* V- _9 C; i8 S9 G) O- E3 n- @0 F# m& G5 r2 d Z3 \6 U2 i
' g! J5 d( l; [5 o0 h
U盘迁移工具(从ISO制作自己的Linux U盘): http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/& m9 m$ G& F) y* E- y
UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.
3 F, f y, X& q1 l! N
X$ }# B$ Z' b. Q7 p( w
2 s2 x9 r- U5 _* j8 q登陆用户名: root1 Y7 m0 J" R: P
口令: root
5 F" g3 ^4 A0 @' }' t启动 X : startx
) _0 ]0 L" q) d3 e" [
- H3 K2 H3 l8 @7 s7 O! d% D特别命令: ^8 ?9 n: h m8 A
启动 Atheros 5005 无线网卡 (大笔记本/台机) : startath0
6 j( W' h% B1 U* c8 x$ Y启动 Atheros 5007eg 无线网卡 (AspireOne 网本/eeePC): startaaoath05 s3 u3 s; Q! h: Z( w! ^
启动无线网卡RTL8187L: startwlan09 i, V8 m. y8 S2 H+ O* }) \
启动RT73无线网卡: startrausb0
. a, E( x: b. |. t7 E# h
# U. K4 H, w) @; P) M1 m
3 S$ D1 S* E* a( A B[url=]Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution[/url]The “Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution” is the base Slitaz cooking version plus the latest Aircrack-ng SVN version, wireless drivers patched for injection and other related tools. The custom distribution is especially tuned for the Acer Aspire One netbooks but will work well on virtually all desktops, notebooks and netbooks. It is extremely small (75meg), requires minimal memory and includes a rich set of programs. 1 k: x6 p8 G7 @
This distribution is not intended to be all things to all people. Especially with respect to patched wireless drivers. Only a limited set of patched wireless drivers are included. These are for cards which are personally owned and are known to work well. There are no plans to expand this list. If your particular card is not included then use Back Track which includes an exceedingly large number of patched drivers.
/ r9 b0 A2 U2 q! Z GSlitaz home: http://www.slitaz.org/en/ ' m6 J8 ]. H7 M9 Z- _# G# |! c* M3 R
The foundation is SliTaz which is a free micro GNU/Linux distro using BusyBox, a Linux kernel, and GNU free software. The goal of SliTaz is to have a GNU/Linux distro working in memory (RAM). Installable to a hard disk, with good support for French language web, it offers reliability, high performance and PC recycling. SliTaz boots with Syslinux and provides more than 200 Linux commands, the LightTPD web server, SQLite database, rescue tools, IRC client, SSH client/server powered by Dropbear, X window system, JWM (Joe's Window Manager), gFTP, Geany IDE, Mozilla Firefox, Alsaplayer, Gparted, a sound file editor and much more. ; ^, \/ q; ~8 |! E, a
Summary of What Is Included:
8 l; [0 d' S8 H% R, q& WAircrack-ng 1.0 rc2 r1373 including sqlite airolib-ng support, i- M! e6 x# O& f7 Q0 A( @
madwifi-hal r3901 patched for injection (The new official HAL ( supports AR5007EG (and AR5006EG) on 32 and 64 bit systems.)3 a7 L/ ^1 w( T
madwifi-ng r3850 patched for injection
; C7 G2 ~- P9 K- Yrt73 (ASPj rt73-k2wrlz-3.0.2) patched for injection- Q2 i$ d0 I2 I/ H: v3 ^
r8187 (rtl8187_linux_26.1010 for RTL8187L) patched for injection
- a, G: \5 J: ]+ hWireshark1 W* ^3 a* r0 w0 [) w1 _
NMAP2 e1 [' F. G8 f' s
Midnight Commander
& H# |5 _- l3 i9 [& j" d- t5 f9 iGeneral tools / compilers to do software development- See the Slitaz site for the list of standard packages / programs. The distribution is based on 12312008 cooking version of Slitaz plus updated packages to January 30/2009.
: ~% }# W, Y y3 F, D Q
8 @ f9 U6 u3 I5 C' s2 `' j
2 |8 Z& Y9 [" Thttp://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=slitaz |