<p>Abstract-- Phase noise introduced by the receiver local oscillator has effects on the performance of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems severely. The common compensation method can only correct common phase error (CPE) caused by the low-frequency part of the phase-noise spectrum, and can’t compensate phase noise thoroughly. In this paper, a new method, Per-symbol phase noise detection and compensation method, is proposed. Based on a frequency-domain linearized parametric model for phase noise, the method not only deals with CPE more effectively, but also compensates most of inter-carrier interference (ICI) induced by the high-frequency part of the phase-noise spectrum. As will be seen, this method well compensates phase noise in higher SNRs and lower quality tuners.<br/>Keywords: Per-symbol, CPE, phase noise, OFDM</p><p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-18 22:19:01编辑过] |