- 注册时间
- 2015-6-22
- 金币
- 26 个
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累计签到:1 天 连续签到:0 天 [LV.20]漫游旅程
[root@PandoraBox:/bin]#/usr/bin/mysql_install_db –force
9 i% g1 h6 y7 F1 a5 ?4 w/usr/bin/my_print_defaults: can't load library 'libpthread.so.1'9 ^1 O& @6 w8 V; s S
) F- m7 \) \3 Z, F2 ?& k( `% k5 _FATAL ERROR: Could not find /usr/lib/mysqld7 g3 _- A4 i2 ^% g1 l, I
$ X2 k3 ?% A+ K6 o$ ]9 P" @: K
If you compiled from source, you need to run 'make install' to
& i- @. R* K) q" V& Acopy the software into the correct location ready for operation.9 x. A9 ~" q, Y/ b3 ? m
( }9 e: ]+ n6 D$ l2 UIf you are using a binary release, you must either be at the top
# G) M! e5 d7 T1 |( Hlevel of the extracted archive, or pass the --basedir option( p1 j! |/ r; q; t
pointing to that location.
! I/ G' k& b- p
# ?8 r" [5 |# D6 ]求解  |