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发表于 2021-1-6 17:51
IEEE Std 802-2001 (R2007)
(Revision of IEEE Std 802-1990)
IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
Overview and Architecture
Reaffirmed 21 March 2007
Approved 6 December 2001
Abstract: IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:Overview and Architecture, provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. It defines compliance with the family of IEEE 802 Standards; it describes the relationship of the IEEE 802 Standards to the Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model [ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994] and explains the relationship of these standards to the higher layer protocols; it provides a standard for the structure of LAN MAC addresses; and it provides a standard for identification of public,
private, and standard protocols.
Keywords: IEEE 802 standards compliance, Local Area Networks (LANs), LAN/MAN architecture,LAN/MAN reference model, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs).
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