sy100 发表于 2008-5-2 15:41

好文章! 好方法! 用自的路由测试,学习一下,谢谢了!

shrfish 发表于 2008-5-4 14:58


lyhlyh 发表于 2008-6-9 21:49

<p>大家好,我只有笔记本一台(无线网卡是INTEL 3945),能否破解我小区的WPA加密的信号?</p><p>如果能,我就一步一步来按步骤试着破解。</p><p>如果不能,我应该买哪一种型号的无线网卡?谢谢大家指点!!</p>

mtmbice 发表于 2008-6-9 23:51

<p>我用的密码字典可能不全,每次破解出来的密码还不一样,都是在这个字典的某个字母段内,比如</p><p>第一次破解出来是zoologically</p><p>第二次破解出来是zillions</p><p>第三次破解出来是 zoological</p><p>再用了另一个比较全的密码字典,不过里面都是大写的,破解出来是 ZZETSUEN</p><p>那么是不是说明这个密码是z字母开头的?</p><p>还是说aircrack-ng 这个工具只找到了相近的密码字符?</p><p></p>

dot5171 发表于 2008-6-14 18:18


cxiaoyong 发表于 2008-6-24 00:06

高手啊 !我在BT3里为什么看不见我自己的接口名啊,我到底哪出错了,都桥好了,我用的是rtl8187

hzjackq 发表于 2008-7-19 23:35


myw805 发表于 2008-7-20 22:30

<p>非常感谢版主longas的好教程:BackTrack2下破解无线WEP加密实战讲解和BackTrack2下破解无线WPA-PSK加密实战讲解。</p><p>在实施破解WPA-PSK的过程中遇到一些问题,请版主给我指点一下:我用的是BT3,在破解WPA-PSK的过程中,我输入:zcat /pentset/password/dictionaries/wordlist.txt.Z &gt; password.txt 后,出现一句错误提示:gzip: /pentest/password/dictionaries/wordlist.txt.Z: No such file or directory.请版本指点一下是什么意思?如何操作才能解决此错误?</p><p>还有一个问题:接下来,将字典cp回当前目录下,就可以同步开启aircrack-ng来进行同步破解了。这一句话中的操作请版主用命令的方式给我指明一下,就将字典cp到BT中默认的当前目录为例来写命令吧,不盛感激ing。</p><p>再次谢谢版主的指导,我刚接触BT,不是很熟悉,请版主不要怕麻烦,来指导一下我这个菜鸟吧。</p>

myw805 发表于 2008-7-22 16:57


kingstones1978 发表于 2008-7-22 20:37

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery:<br/>
NVIDIA GPU Acceleration<br/>
        <br/> ElcomSoft has pioneered many software innovations that have made
it easier to recover lost passwords from the operating system,
Microsoft Office products, Adobe PDF files, ZIP and RAR archives, and a
variety of other applications. The latest development revolutionizes
the speed of password recovery without requiring expensive hardware.<br/>
Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery employs a revolutionary, patent
pending technology to accelerate password recovery when a compatible
NVIDIA graphics card is present in addition to the CPU-only mode.
Currently supporting all GeForce 8 and GeForce 9 boards, the
acceleration technology offloads parts of computational-heavy
processing onto the fast and highly scalable processors featured in the
NVIDIA抯 latest graphic accelerators.<br/>
        <br/> The acceleration technology developed by ElcomSoft allows the
execution of mathematically intensive password recovery code on the
massively parallel computational elements found in latest NVIDIA
graphic accelerators. The GPU acceleration is unique to Elcomsoft
Distributed Password Recovery, making password recovery up to fifty
times faster compared to password recovery methods that only use the
computer抯 main CPU.<br/>
Broad Compatibility<br/>
Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery supports a variety of
applications and file formats, allowing password recovery from Office
documents, Adobe PDF files, PGP disks and archives, personal security
certificates and exchange keys, MD5 hashes and Oracle passwords,
Windows and UNIX login passwords.<br/>
Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Project, all versions (password recovery - "open" password only) <br/>
Microsoft Word/Excel 97/2000 (guaranteed decryption) <br/>
Microsoft Money and OneNote (password recovery) <br/>
OpenDocument (OpenOffice, StarOffice) (password recovery) <br/>
PGP: zip archives (.PGP), PGP disks with conventional encryption
(.PGD), self-decrypting archives (.EXE), whole disk encryption, secret
key rings (.SKR) (password/passphrase recovery) <br/>
Personal Information Exchange certificates - PKCS #12 (.PFX, .P12) (password recovery) <br/>
Adobe Acrobat PDF files ("user" and "owner" password recovery) <br/>
Adobe Acrobat PDF files with 40-bit encryption (guaranteed decryption) <br/>
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista logon passwords (LM/NTLM) (password recovery) <br/>
Windows SYSKEY startup passwords (password recovery) <br/>
Windows DCC (Domain Cached Credentials) passwords (password recovery) <br/>
UNIX users' passwords (password audit/recovery) <br/>
Intuit Quicken (.QDF) (password recovery) <br/>
Lotus Notes ID files (password recovery) <br/>
MD5 hashes (plaintext recovery) <br/>
Oracle users' passwords (password audit/recovery)<br/>能否用于WPA破解<br/><table cellspacing="0" class="t_table" style="width: 80%;"><tbody><tr><td width="40%"><strong>Hashing module</strong></td><td width="60%"><strong>Average speed</strong> (with NVIDIA GeForce 8800GS)</td></tr><tr><td>MD5</td><td><font color="blue">270 million p/s</font></td></tr><tr><td>MySQL</td><td><font color="blue">620 million p/s</font></td></tr><tr><td>NTLM</td><td><font color="blue">320 million p/s</font></td></tr><tr><td>SHA-1</td><td><font color="blue">70 million p/s</font></td></tr><tr><td>MySQL5</td><td><font color="blue">38 million p/s</font></td></tr></tbody></table><br/>

kingstones1978 发表于 2008-7-22 20:43

还有这个网站关于MD5破解的达到275.84M p/s<br/><br/>

longas 发表于 2008-7-22 21:31

呵呵,又有人找到这款Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery了,该工具最新版目前支持WPA破解,但是效率很低,而且免费版只支持10客户端,你可以试试。据我们ZerOne测试结果表明,这个免费版的工作效率不是一般的底,应该是产权保护的缘故。<br/><br/>另外,你所提及的告诉破解,那是基于NVIDIA GeForce 8800GS的,建议你好好看看相关的资料,这个投入不是一般地高。<br/><br/>
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