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An 802.11k Compliant Framework for Cooperative Handoff inWireless Networks

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George Athanasiou,1 Thanasis Korakis,2 and Leandros Tassiulas1 1Department of Computer and Communications Engineering, University of Thessaly, 37 Glavani Street 382 21 Volos, Greece 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University, 5 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA Correspondence should be addressed to George Athanasiou, gathanas@uth.gr Received 17 November 2008; Revised 16 February 2009; Accepted 9 July 2009 Recommended byWei Li In IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks, the stations (STAs) are associated with the available access points (APs) and communicate through them. In traditional handoff schemes, the STAs get information about the active APs in their neighborhood by scanning the available channels and listening to transmitted beacons. This paper proposes an 802.11k compliant framework for cooperative handoff where the STAs are informed about the active APs by exchanging information with neighboring STAs. Besides, the APs share useful information that can be used by the STAs in a handoff process. In this way, we minimize the delay of the scanning procedure. We evaluate the performance of our mechanisms through OPNET simulations. We demonstrate that our scheme reduces the scanning delay up to 92%. Consequently, our system is more capable in meeting the needs of QoS-sensitive applications. Copyright © 2009 George Athanasiou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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GB 15629.11-2003_XG1-2006.pdf

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信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换局域网和城域网 特定要求 第11 部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范 第 1 号修改单
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GB 15629.11-2003.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:16    浏览:751    时间:2021-01-07
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换局域网和城域网 特定要求 第11 部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范 lnformation technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-Specific requirements-Part11:Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 目 次 前言 引言 1 综述 1.1 范围 1.2 目的 2 规范性引用文件 3 术语和定义 4 缩略语 5 一般描述 5.1 体系结构的一般描述 5.1.1 无线网络如何不同 5.2 本部分体系的组成部分 5.2.1 独立BSS 作为ad hoc 网 5.2.2 分布式系统概念 5.2.3 区域概念 5.2.4 与有线LAN 的集成 5.3 逻辑服务接口 5.3.1 STA 服务(SS) 5.3.2 分布式系统服务(DSS) 5.3.3 多逻辑地址空间 5.4 服务综述 5.4.1 DS 内的消息分发 5.4.2 支持分布式服务的服务 5.4.3 访问与机密性控制服务 5.5 服务之间的关系 5.5.1 状态图 5.5.2 安全关联的建立 5.6 ESS 与IBSS LAN 之间的区别 5.7 支持服务的消息信息内容 5.7.1 数据 5.7.2 关联 5.7.3 重新关联 5.7.4 解除关联 5.7.5 保密 5.7.6 链路验证 5.7.7 解除链路验证 5.8 参考模型 6 MAC 服务定义 6.1 MAC 服务概述 6.1.1 异步数据服务 6.1.2 安全服务 6.1.3 MSDU 排序 6.2 详细服务规范 6.2.1 MAC 数据服务 7 帧格式 7.1 MAC 帧格式 7.1.1 约定 7.1.2 一般帧格式 7.1.3 帧字段 7.2 独立类型帧格式 7.2.1 控制帧 7.2.2 数据帧0 7.2.3 管理帧1 7.3 管理帧帧体组成部分 7.3.1 固定字段 7.3.2 信息元素 8 安全 8.1 WAI 鉴别和密钥管理 8.1.1 鉴别系统结构 8.1.2 受控和非受控接入 8.2 鉴别服务单元(ASU) 8.2.1 公钥证书 8.2.2 公钥证书管理 8.2.3 椭圆曲线数字签名算法 8.3 WAI 鉴别基础结构 8.3.1 安全接入 8.3.2 WAI数据格式 8.4 WPI 保密基础结构 8.5 安全相关管理信息库 8.5.1 与鉴别相关的MIB 属性 8.5.2 与保密相关的MIB 属性 8.6 自组网(ad hoc)模式 9 MAC 子层功能 9.1 MAC 体系结构 9.1.1 分布式协调功能(DCF) 9.1.2 点协调功能(PCF) 9.1.3 DCF 和PCF 的共存 9.1.4 分段/重组综述 9.1.5 MAC 数据服务 9.2 分布式协调功能(DCF) 9.2.1 载波侦听机制 9.2.2 MAC 级确认 9.2.3 帧间间隔(IFS3 9.2.4 随机退避时间 9.2.5 DCF 访问规程 9.2.6 定向MPDU 的传送规程 9.2.7 广播与组播MPDU 的传送规程 9.2.8 ACK规程 9.2.9 重复帧的检测与恢复 9.2.10 DCF 的定时关系 9.3 PCF 9.3.1 CFP 结构与定时 9.3.2 PCF 访问规程 9.3.3 PCF 传送规程 9.3.4 无竞争轮询列表 9.4 分段 9.5 重组 9.6 多速率支持 9.7 帧交换序列 9.8 MSDU 传输限制 10 层管理 10.1 管理模型综述 10.2 通用管理原语 10.3 MLME SAP 接口 10.3.1 功率管理 10.3.2 扫描 10.3.3 同步 10.3.4 链路验证 10.3.5 解除链路验证 10.3.6 关联 10.3.7 重新关联 10.3.8 解除关联 10.3.9 重新设置 10.3.10 启动 10.4 PLME SAP 接口 10.4.1 PLME-RESET.request 10.4.2 PLME-CHARACTERISTICS.request 10.4.3 PLME-CHARACTERISTICS.confirm 10.4.4 PLME-DSSSTESTMODE.request 10.4.5 PLME-DSSSTESTOUTPUT.request 11 MAC 子层管理实体 11.1 同步 11.1.1 基本方法 11.1.2 维持同步 11.1.3 获取同步、扫描 11.1.4 调整STA 定时器 11.1.5 频率跳变(FH)物理层定时同步 11.2 功率管理 11.2.1 基础结构网中的功率管理 11.2.2 IBSS 中的功率管理 11.3 关联和重新关联 11.3.1 STA 关联规程 11.3.2 AP 关联规程 11.3.3 STA 重新关联规程 11.3.4 AP 重新关联规程 11.4 管理信息库(MIB)定义 12 物理层(PHY)服务规范 12.1 范围 12.2 PHY 功能 12.3 PHY 服务详细规范 12.3.1 应用范围和领域 12.3.2 服务综述 12.3.3 相互作用概述 12.3.4 基本服务和选项 12.3.5 PHY-SAP详细服务规范 13 PHY 管理 14 2.4GHz 工业、科学、医疗(ISM)频段的频率跳变扩展频谱(FHSS)物理层规范 14.1 综述 14.1.1 FHSS PHY 综述 14.1.2 FHSS PHY 功能 14.1.3 服务规范方法和记法 14.2 FHSS PLCP 特定服务参数列表 14.2.1 综述 14.2.2 TXVECTOR 参数 14.2.3 RXVECTOR 参数 14.3 FHSS PLCP 子层 14.3.1 综述 14.3.2 PLCP 帧格式 14.3.3 PLCP 状态机 14.4 PLME SAP 层管理 14.4.1 综述 14.4.2 FH PHY 专用MAC 子层管理实体(MLME) 规程 14.4.3 FH PHY 层的管理实体状态机 14.5 FHSS PMD 子层服务 14.5.1 应用范围和领域 14.5.2 服务综述 14.5.3 相互作用综述 14.5.4 基本服务和选项 14.5.5 PMD_SAP详细服务规范 14.6 FHSS PMD 子层.1.0 Mbit/s 14.6.1 1Mbit/s PMD 操作规范综述 14.6.2 规章要求 14.6.3 工作频率范围 14.6.4 工作信道数 14.6.5 工作信道中心频率 14.6.6 占用的信道带宽 14.6.7 最小跳频速率 14.6.8 跳频序列 14.6.9 无用发射 14.6.10 调制 14.6.11 信道数据速率 14.6.12 信道切换/驻留时间 14.6.13 接收到发送的切换时间 14.6.14 PMD发射规范 14.6.15 PMD接收机规范 14.6.16 工作温度范围 14.7 FHSS PMD 子层,2Mbit/s 14.7.1 综述 14.7.2 4 相GFSK 调制 14.7.3 信道数据速率 14.8 FHSS PHY 管理信息库(MIB)0 14.8.1 综述0 14.8.2 FH PHY 属性0 14.9 FH PHY 参数 134 15 为 ISM 应用指定的2.4GHzISM 频段的直接序列扩展频谱(DSSS)PHY 规范 15.1 综述 15.1.1 范围 15.1.2 DSSS PHY 功能 15.1.3 服务规范方法和记法 15.2 DSSS PLCP 子层 15.2.1 综述 15.2.2 PLCP 帧格式 15.2.3 PLCP 字段定义 15.2.4 PLCP/DSSS PHY 数据加扰器和解扰器 15.2.5 PLCP 数据调制和调制速率改变 15.2.6 PLCP 发送规程 15.2.7 PLCP 接收规程 15.3 DSSS 物理层管理实体(PLME) 15.3.1 PLME_SAP 子层管理原语 15.3.2 DSSS PHY MIB 15.3.3 DS PHY 特性 15.4 DSSS PMD 子层 15.4.1 应用范围和领域 15.4.2 服务综述 15.4.3 相互作用综述 15.4.4 基本服务与选项 15.4.5 PMD_SAP 详细服务规范 15.4.6 PMD总体操作规范 15.4.7 PMD发射规范 15.4.8 PMD接收机规范 16 红外线(IR)PHY 规范 16.1 综述 16.1.1 范围 16.1.2 IR PHY 功能 16.1.3 服务规范方法与记法 16.2 IR PLCP 子层 16.2.1 综述 16.2.2 PLCP 帧格式 16.2.3 PLCP 调制与速率改变 16.2.4 PLCP 字段定义 16.2.5 PLCP规程0 16.3 IR PMD 子层 16.3.1 综述 16.3.2 PMD总体操作规范 16.3.3 PMD 发射机规范 16.3.4 PMD 接收机规范 16.3.5 能量检测、载波侦听及CCA 定义 16.4 PHY 属性
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IEEE Draft_P802.11s_D1.01.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:10    浏览:573    时间:2021-01-07
正式版下载IEEE 802.11s-2011.pdf IEEE P802.11s/D1.01, March 2007 Draft STANDARD for Information Technology- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems- Local and metropolitan area networks- Specific requirements- Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment : ESS Mesh Networking
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IEEE Draft P802_11p_D2_01.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:6    浏览:522    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE P802.11p /D2.01, March 2007 IEEE P802.11p/D2.01 Draft Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment : Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments This introduction is not part of IEEE P802.11p, Draft Amendment to Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and Metropolitan networks - specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Amendment : Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
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IEEE Draft P802.11v_D0.09.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:6    浏览:508    时间:2021-01-07
正式版本请搜索本站 IEEE P802.11v/D0.09, March 2007 IEEE P802.11v/D0.09 Draft Amemdment to Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information ExchangeBetween Systems - LAN/MAN Specific Requirements - Part 11: Wireless Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications Amendment v: Wireless Network Management Abstract: This amendment provides WirelessNetwork Management enhancements to the 802.11 MAC, and PHY, extending radiomeasurements to effect a complete and coherent upper layer interface formanaging 802.11 devices in wireless networks. Keywords: Wireless Network Management, RadioResource Management
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IEEE Draft P802.11k_D7.0.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:7    浏览:486    时间:2021-01-07
正式版本:IEEE 802.11k-2008.pdf IEEE P802.11k/D7.0, January 2007 Draft Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment : Radio Resource Measurement Abstract: This amendment specifies the extensions to IEEE Std 802.11® for Wireless Local Area Networks providing mechanisms for Radio Resource Measurement. Keywords: local area network (LAN), radio, measurement, radio resource, network management
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IEEE 802a-2003.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:4    浏览:435    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802a-2003 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802-2001) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture Amendment 1: Ethertypes for Protoypes and Vendor-Specific Protocol Development Approved 22 September 2003 American National Standards Institute Approved 12 June 2003 IEEE-SA Standards Board Abstract: IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture,provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. This amendment to IEEE Std 802 identifies a set of Ethertypes that may be used for prototype and vendor specific use, and defines how the ethertypes should be used. Keywords: Ethertype protocol development, Local Area Networks (LANs), LAN/MAN architecture,LAN/MAN reference model, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), protocol identifier, protocol type
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IEEE 802-2001.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:10    浏览:713    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802-2001 (R2007) (Revision of IEEE Std 802-1990) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture Reaffirmed 21 March 2007 Approved 6 December 2001 Abstract: IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:Overview and Architecture, provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. It defines compliance with the family of IEEE 802 Standards; it describes the relationship of the IEEE 802 Standards to the Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model [ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994] and explains the relationship of these standards to the higher layer protocols; it provides a standard for the structure of LAN MAC addresses; and it provides a standard for identification of public, private, and standard protocols. Keywords: IEEE 802 standards compliance, Local Area Networks (LANs), LAN/MAN architecture,LAN/MAN reference model, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs).
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IEEE 802-1AXbk-2012.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:5    浏览:474    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.1AXbk-2012 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.1AX-2008) IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Link Aggregation Amendment 1: Protocol Addressing Approved 29 March 2012 Abstract: Link Aggregation allows one or more links to be aggregated together to form a Link Aggregation Group, such that a Media Access Control (MAC) Client can treat the Link Aggregation Group as if it were a single link. To this end, it specifies the establishment of data terminal equipment (DTE) to DTE logical links, consisting of N parallel instances of full-duplex, point-topoint links operating at the same data rate. The MAC independent Link Aggregation capability, and general information relevant to specific MAC types that support Link Aggregation, are defined in this standard. Keywords: Aggregated Link, Aggregator, IEEE 802.1AX, IEEE 802.1AXbk, Link Aggregation, Link Aggregation Group, local area network, management
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IEEE 802.22.2-2012.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:8    浏览:424    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.22.2-2012 IEEE Recommended Practice for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN)— Specific requirements Part 22.2: Installation and Deployment of IEEE 802.22 Systems Approved 30 August 2012 Abstract: Engineering practices for the installation and deployment of IEEE 802.22™ systems are discussed in this recommended practice. Keywords: broadband, cognitive radio, IEEE 802.22, IEEE 802.22.2, TV bands, white spaces
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IEEE 802.22.1-2010.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:5    浏览:400    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.22.1-2010 IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 22.1: Standard to Enhance Harmful Interference Protection for Low-Power Licensed Devices Operating in TV Broadcast Bands Approved 30 September 2010
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