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IEEE P802.11be D3.0 2023 WiFi7协议白皮书

分类:无线标准    下载:0    浏览:125    时间:2025-01-13
IEEE P802.11be/D3.0, January 2023 Draft Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 8: Enhancements for extremely high throughput (EHT) Prepared by the 802.11 Working Group of the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Abstract: This amendment defines standardized modifications to both the IEEE Std 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) that enable at least one mode of operation capable of supporting a maximum throughput of at least 30 Gbit/s, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP), with carrier frequency operation between 1 and 7.250 GHz while ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy IEEE Std 802.11 compliant devices operating in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands. This amendment defines at least one mode of operation capable of improved worst case latency and jitter. Keywords: EHT, extremely high throughput, jitter, latency, MAC, medium access control, PHY,physical layer, wireless local area network, WLAN
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IEEE Standard 802.11be Draft 1.5 2022 WiFi7协议白皮书

分类:无线标准    下载:7    浏览:85    时间:2025-01-13
IEEE P802.11be/D1.5, March 2022 IEEE P802.11be/D1.5 Draft Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 8: Enhancements for extremely high throughput (EHT) Prepared by the 802.11 Working Group of the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society IEEE P802.11be™/D1.5, March 2022 (amendment to IEEE 802.11-2020 standards as amended by IEEE P802.11ax™-2021, IEEE P802.11ay™-2021, IEEE P802.11az™/D4.0, IEEE P802.11ba™-2021, IEEE P802.11bb™/D0.7, IEEE P802.11bc™/D2.0, IEEE P802.11bd™/D2.1) and IEEE P802.11-REVme™/D1.1) Abstract: This amendment defines standardized modifications to both the IEEE Std 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) that enable at least one mode of operation capable of supporting a maximum throughput of at least 30 Gbps, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP), with carrier frequency operation between 1 and 7.250 GHz while ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy IEEE Std 802.11 compliant devices operating in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands. This amendment defines at least one mode of operation capable of improved worst case latency and jitter. Keywords: EHT, extremely high throughput, jitter, latency, MAC, medium access control, PHY, physical layer, wireless local area network, WLAN
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IEEE Std 802.11‐2020

分类:无线标准    下载:0    浏览:66    时间:2025-01-13
IEEE Standard for Information Technology Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Specific Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications IEEE Computer Society Developed by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee IEEE Std 802.11™‐2020 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.11‐2016) Abstract: Technical corrections and clarifications to IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless local area networks (WLANs) as well as enhancements to the existing medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) functions are specified in this revision. Amendments 1 to 5 published in 2016 and 2018 have also been incorporated into this revision.
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Cambium Network PTP550 技术规格书

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Cambium Network PTP550 datasheet 点对点5G无线网桥 5.170 ~ 5.980 GHz 1.36 Gbps
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Cambium Network ePMP Force 300 系列规格书

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型号: Force 300-16、Force 300-19、Force 300-19R、Force 300-25、Force 300 CSM 802.11ac Wave 2 (2x2 MIMO/OFDM)
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Cambium Network ePMP Force 300-25.pdf

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Cambium Network ePMP Force 300-25 5G无线网桥,25dBi,千兆网口,建议传输距离10km
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Cambium Network ePMP Force 300-16.pdf

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Cambium Network ePMP Force 300-16产品规格书 5G无线网桥 特点: • Cambium Networks 的 ePMP Force 300-16 专为在高干扰环境中运行而设计,可提供超过 500 Mbps 真实数据吞吐量。 • ePMP Force 300-16 支持从 20MHz 到 80MHz 的信道大小配置,并调制高达 256 QAM。 • Force 300-16 支持本地 Wi-Fi 连接,可轻松从任何支持 Wi-Fi 的设备进行安装、配置和监控。 • ePMP Force 300-16 支持实时频谱监控,不会降低吞吐量 • 可配置的操作模式确保对对称和非对称流量具有强大的适应性,同时提供高性能和低至 3-5 毫秒的往返延迟。 • QoS 管理为三重播放服务(VoIP、视频和数据)提供出色的质量,并提供三个级别的流量优先级。 • F300-16 采用水平方向安装,提供 15度波束宽度和 16dBi增益,可提供引人注目的紧凑型用户或点对点解决方案,且抗干扰能力强。
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Cambium Network ePMP 3000L Spec Sheet.pdf

分类:产品资料    下载:1    浏览:65    时间:2024-11-09
Cambium Network  ePMP 3000L 室外无线AP 主要规格: • 2X2 MIMO,600 Mbps • 支持 256QAM-5/6,80 MHz • 支持宽频率范围:4910 至 5950 MHz • 频率重用,具有 GPS 同步和干扰缓解功能 • 支持最多 64 个用户模块 • 可与 Cambium Networks 90/120 度扇区天线连接使用。还兼容 RF Elements Twistport(tm) 适配器(用于 ePMP) • 使用 cnMaestro 进行云或本地网络管理
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Cambium Network ePMP 2000 Sector antenna DataSheet.pdf

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Cambium Network ePMP 2000 扇区天线规格书 18dBi增益 90/120度扇区天线 4.9~5.97GHz频率
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优科Ruckus R850 数据表 datasheet 中英文

分类:产品资料    下载:0    浏览:141    时间:2024-09-21
901-R850-XX00 802.11abgn/ac/ax 室内AP,支持2.4GHz和5GHz双频,8X8:8(5GHz),4800Mbps, 4X4:4(2.4GHz) 1148Mbps , OFDMA,MU-MIMO。1个2.5/5G以太网端口,1x10/100/1000Mbps以太网口,支持PoH/uPoE/802.3at POE供电输入,1个USB2.0接口,电源适配器和POE模块需要另外采购。最多支持1024个终端并发 注册会员免费下载 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ruckus官方商城 无线论坛Ruckus优科教程专辑 需要更多详细教程请访问论坛Ruckus专版,论坛所发的教程贴子会不定期根据固件版本升级后修改对应教程。 1.Rukcus ZoneFlex AP快速设置手册 2.RUCKUS AP支架安装和拆卸说明 3.RUCKUS室内AP供电和连接教程 4.ZoneDirector控制器各版本支持AP列表 5.Ruckus胖AP无线路由器设置教程 6.Ruckus Unleashed虚拟控制器设置手册 7.Ruckus AP电子书包组播优化设置 8.Ruckus ZoneDirector无线控制器 9.x 设置手册 9.Ruckus ZoneDirector无线控制器 10.x 设置手册 关注本站微信公众号,订阅RUCKUS教程,更详细更全面的专业教程
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优科Ruckus R770 快速安装手册 中文

分类:基础和培训    下载:0    浏览:247    时间:2024-09-21
本快速设置指南针对如何安装并开始使用您的 RUCKUS R770 三频802.11be Wi-Fi 7 室内 Wi-Fi 接入点 (AP) 提供了逐步说明。 901-R770-XX00 802.11AC 室内AP,支持2.4GHz和5GHz双载频,4X4:4 ,MU-MIMO(多用户MIMO),2x10/100/1000Mbps 以太网口,802.3af/at POE,不包括电源适配器和POE模块 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ruckus官方商城 无线论坛Ruckus优科教程专辑 需要更多详细教程请访问论坛Ruckus专版,论坛所发的教程贴子会不定期根据固件版本升级后修改对应教程。 1.Rukcus ZoneFlex AP快速设置手册 2.RUCKUS AP支架安装和拆卸说明 3.RUCKUS室内AP供电和连接教程 4.ZoneDirector控制器各版本支持AP列表 5.Ruckus胖AP无线路由器设置教程 6.Ruckus Unleashed虚拟控制器设置手册 7.Ruckus AP电子书包组播优化设置 8.Ruckus ZoneDirector无线控制器 9.x 设置手册 9.Ruckus ZoneDirector无线控制器 10.x 设置手册 关注本站微信公众号,订阅RUCKUS教程,更详细更全面的专业教程
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优科Ruckus R770 数据表 datasheet 中英文

分类:产品资料    下载:0    浏览:98    时间:2024-09-21
901-R770-XX00 802.11AC 室内AP,支持2.4GHz和5GHz双载频,4X4:4 ,MU-MIMO(多用户MIMO),2x10/100/1000Mbps 以太网口,802.3af/at POE,不包括电源适配器和POE模块 注册会员免费下载 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ruckus官方商城 无线论坛Ruckus优科教程专辑 需要更多详细教程请访问论坛Ruckus专版,论坛所发的教程贴子会不定期根据固件版本升级后修改对应教程。 1.Rukcus ZoneFlex AP快速设置手册 2.RUCKUS AP支架安装和拆卸说明 3.RUCKUS室内AP供电和连接教程 4.ZoneDirector控制器各版本支持AP列表 5.Ruckus胖AP无线路由器设置教程 6.Ruckus Unleashed虚拟控制器设置手册 7.Ruckus AP电子书包组播优化设置 8.Ruckus ZoneDirector无线控制器 9.x 设置手册 9.Ruckus ZoneDirector无线控制器 10.x 设置手册 关注本站微信公众号,订阅RUCKUS教程,更详细更全面的专业教程
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