Broadband Microstrip Antennas

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Broadband Microstrip Antennas
Girish Kumar
K. P. Ray
首次出版时间: 2002 年 10 月 31 日
作者: K·P·雷, 吉里什·库马尔
Book Abstract:
Look to this new, cutting-edge microstrip antenna book for the first exhaustive coverage of broadband techniques, including the most up-to-date information to help you choose and design the optimum broadband microstrip antenna configurations for your applications, without sacrificing other antenna parameters. The book shows you how to take advantage of the lightweight, low volume benefits of these antennas, by providing clear explanations of the various configurations and simple design equations that help you analyze and design microstrip antennas with speed and confidence. This practical resource offers you a comprehensive understanding of the radiation mechanism and characteristic of microstrip antennas, and provides guidance in designing new types of planar monopole antennas with multi-octave bandwidth. You learn how to select and design proper broadband microstrip antenna configurations for compact, tunable, dual-band and circular polarization applications. Moreover, the book compares all the broadband techniques and suggests the most attractive configuration. Extensively referenced with over 300 illustrations and 140 equations.
Girish Kumar
K. P. Ray
首次出版时间: 2002 年 10 月 31 日
作者: K·P·雷, 吉里什·库马尔
Book Abstract:
Look to this new, cutting-edge microstrip antenna book for the first exhaustive coverage of broadband techniques, including the most up-to-date information to help you choose and design the optimum broadband microstrip antenna configurations for your applications, without sacrificing other antenna parameters. The book shows you how to take advantage of the lightweight, low volume benefits of these antennas, by providing clear explanations of the various configurations and simple design equations that help you analyze and design microstrip antennas with speed and confidence. This practical resource offers you a comprehensive understanding of the radiation mechanism and characteristic of microstrip antennas, and provides guidance in designing new types of planar monopole antennas with multi-octave bandwidth. You learn how to select and design proper broadband microstrip antenna configurations for compact, tunable, dual-band and circular polarization applications. Moreover, the book compares all the broadband techniques and suggests the most attractive configuration. Extensively referenced with over 300 illustrations and 140 equations.
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