IEEE P802.11be D3.0 2023 WiFi7协议白皮书
分类:无线标准 下载:0 浏览:18 时间:2025-01-13IEEE P802.11be/D3.0, January 2023 Draft Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 8: Enhancements for extremely high throughput (EHT) Prepared by the 802.11 Working Group of the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Abstract: This amendment defines standardized modifications to both the IEEE Std 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) that enable at least one mode of operation capable of supporting a maximum throughput of at least 30 Gbit/s, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP), with carrier frequency operation between 1 and 7.250 GHz while ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy IEEE Std 802.11 compliant devices operating in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands. This amendment defines at least one mode of operation capable of improved worst case latency and jitter. Keywords: EHT, extremely high throughput, jitter, latency, MAC, medium access control, PHY,physical layer, wireless local area network, WLAN -
IEEE Standard 802.11be Draft 1.5 2022 WiFi7协议白皮书
分类:无线标准 下载:7 浏览:19 时间:2025-01-13IEEE P802.11be/D1.5, March 2022 IEEE P802.11be/D1.5 Draft Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 8: Enhancements for extremely high throughput (EHT) Prepared by the 802.11 Working Group of the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society IEEE P802.11be™/D1.5, March 2022 (amendment to IEEE 802.11-2020 standards as amended by IEEE P802.11ax™-2021, IEEE P802.11ay™-2021, IEEE P802.11az™/D4.0, IEEE P802.11ba™-2021, IEEE P802.11bb™/D0.7, IEEE P802.11bc™/D2.0, IEEE P802.11bd™/D2.1) and IEEE P802.11-REVme™/D1.1) Abstract: This amendment defines standardized modifications to both the IEEE Std 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) that enable at least one mode of operation capable of supporting a maximum throughput of at least 30 Gbps, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP), with carrier frequency operation between 1 and 7.250 GHz while ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy IEEE Std 802.11 compliant devices operating in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands. This amendment defines at least one mode of operation capable of improved worst case latency and jitter. Keywords: EHT, extremely high throughput, jitter, latency, MAC, medium access control, PHY, physical layer, wireless local area network, WLAN -
IEEE Std 802.11‐2020
分类:无线标准 下载:0 浏览:12 时间:2025-01-13IEEE Standard for Information Technology Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Specific Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications IEEE Computer Society Developed by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee IEEE Std 802.11™‐2020 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.11‐2016) Abstract: Technical corrections and clarifications to IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless local area networks (WLANs) as well as enhancements to the existing medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) functions are specified in this revision. Amendments 1 to 5 published in 2016 and 2018 have also been incorporated into this revision. -
IEEE Std 802.11af白皮书
分类:无线标准 下载:5 浏览:230 时间:2023-07-05IEEE Std 802.11af-2013 802.11af标准白皮书 IEEE 802.11af允许无线局域网使用空白电视频段来传输,特点是频率低,穿透性高。又称为“白WiFi”、“超级WIFI”。 IEEE Standard for Information technology—elecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 5: Television White Spaces (TVWS) Operation Approved 11 December 2013 IEEE-SA Standards Board Abstract: Enhancements to the IEEE 802.11 physical layers (PHYs) and medium access control (MAC) sublayer to support operation in the white spaces in television bands are defined. Keywords: IEEE 802.11af™, television white spaces, TVWS, wireless LAN, WLAN -
IEEE Std 802.11ax 2021 pdf下载
分类:无线标准 下载:14 浏览:555 时间:2022-11-19IEEE Standard for Information Technology Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Specific Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 1: Enhancements for High-Efficiency WLAN IEEE Std 802.11ax 2021 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11 2020) Abstract: Modifications to both the lEEE 802.11 physical layer (PHY) and medium access contro(MAC) sublayer for high-efficiency operation in frequency bands between 1 GHz and 7.125 GHzare defined in this amendment to lEEE Std 802.11-2020. Keywords: dense deployment, high efficiency, IEEE 802.11T, IEEE 802.1 1ax™, MAC, mediumaccess control, OFDMA, orthogonal freguency division multiple access, PHY, physical layerwireless local area network,WLAN -
IEEE 802.11kvr (802.11-2012) (Seamless & Secure Roaming)
分类:无线标准 下载:4 浏览:1269 时间:2021-01-07PERRY CORRELL DIR. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT WI-FI ROAMING WLAN roaming is designed to allows wireless client devices to connect to nearby access points with the same SSID without losing connection Over Wi-Fi existence several proprietary and standards based approaches have been attempted to create a ‘seamless’ experience when transitioning to a neighboring AP. -
Optimizing the Channel Load Reporting Process in IEEE 802.11k-enabled WLANs
分类:无线标准 下载:5 浏览:578 时间:2021-01-07Abstract—IEEE 802.11k is an extension of the IEEE 802.11 specification for radio resource measurements. In an IEEE 802.11k-enabled wireless LAN, an access point or other network element may request from a client or another access point to monitor and report the load of a channel. We call the latter a channel monitoring station. In this paper we propose a mechanism for a channel monitoring station to efficiently derive accurate values of channel load.We especially focus on optimizing the duration of channel monitoring and thus minimize the impact on applications. Note that such mechanisms are critical for the success of new sharing regimes such as Cognitive Radio and Open Spectrum Access. -
IEEE Std标准白皮书 802.11w-2009
分类:无线标准 下载:12 浏览:959 时间:2018-04-27Approved 11 September 2009 IEEE SA-Standards Board Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 4: Protected Management Frames -
分类:设计开发 下载:1 浏览:694 时间:2017-11-17IEEE802.11 工作组近年来开始定义新的物理层标准IEEE802.11g。与以前的IEEE802.11 协议标准相比,IEEE802.11g草案有以下两个特点:在2.4 GHz频段使用正交频分复用(OFDM)调制技术,使数据传输速率提高到20 Mbit/s 以上;能够与IEEE802.11b的Wi-Fi 系统互联互通,可共存于同一AP 的网络里,从而保障了后向兼容性。这样原有的WLAN 系统可以平滑地向高速WLAN 过渡,延长了IEEE802.11b产品的使用寿命,降低了用户的投资。2003 年7 月IEEE802.11 工作组批准了IEEE802.11g草案,该标准成为人们关注的新焦点。 -
分类:无线标准 下载:0 浏览:896 时间:2017-08-13张兰 (内蒙古赤峰学院计算机与信息工程学院,内蒙古赤峰024000) 摘 要:IEEE802.11协议族是电气和电子工程师协会工作组制定的无线局域网规范,被广泛应用到局域网、校园网、以及用户与用户终端的无线接入。2012年初最新形成IEEE 802.11ac协议, 目前正逐步成为无线网协议的主流协议,深入学习和研究IEEE802.11ac协议,对推动无线网络的快速发展有着重要的意义。 关键字:802.11ac;协议;特点 -
802.11ac LDPC编码器实现研究
分类:设计开发 下载:1 浏览:990 时间:2017-08-13文章参照802.11ac草案r21,提出了适用于IEEE 802.11ac 系统中LDPC编码器的设计。设计充分利用802.11ac系统中LDPC码的特点,校验矩阵中的每个元素都是单位阵的准循环矩阵,研究其运算特征,提出有效的线性编码算法以及硬件实现结构。运行时间以及吞吐量满足草案需求。 -
分类:无线安全研究 下载:0 浏览:432 时间:2017-08-11赖晓龙” 马建峰” (西安电子科技大学计算机网络与信息安全教育部重点试验室 西安 710071) (陕西移动通信有限责任公司 西安710071) 摘 要 随着802.11无线局域网的发展,漫游已经成为它的重要场景.身份认证是保证网络安全的重要措施之一,802.11 WI AN 中现有的认证协议不能有效地支持漫游.作者提出的基于DH交换的认证协议,不仅满足了漫游对认证协议的特殊要求:身份保护和认证时延,而且具有可证明的安全性和必需的安全性质. 关键词无线局域网;漫游;身份保护;可证明安全
无线安全研究浏览:1304 次下载:28 次
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