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UniFi Access门禁安卓app apk v1.6.3最新版

分类:软件    下载:2    浏览:867    时间:2024-05-21
最新版本1.6.3更新日志 Last updated on 2024年03月01日 Bugfixes - Fixed the issue where pre-defined schedules could not be selected when configuring Leave Unlocked schedules. - Fixed the issue where the pop-up window at the top of the Dashboard did not disappear as expected after sending credentials to users. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023年05月19日 [Improvements] - Redesigned the user interface for enhanced clarity and simplicity. - Added support for using Biometrics & Passcode to authenticate users’ identity before launching their apps and accessing their UniFi Hosts. - Added support for accessing remote view from UA Pro’s details page. [Bugfixes] - Fixed an issue where door attendants could view the doors not assigned to them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 关于UniFi Access 随时随地管理门 UniFi Access 移动应用程序是一个方便、全面的管理工具,允许您和其他管理员监督您的 Access 系统的各个方面,包括连接的门、用户名册、读卡器设备、门禁卡和安全策略。使用该应用程序,您还可以查看实时访问事件日志,以充分了解整个工作区的访客和员工流量。 [门铃] 当有人按连接的门铃时收到推送通知。 [远程查看] 使用 UA Pro 远程问候访客,然后授予他们远程访问权限。 [设备] 添加新的接入设备并配置各种设置,包括问候信息、广播名称、数字键盘布局、音量和显示亮度。 [门] 管理单个门或将它们分组以即时进行全面的安全更改。您还可以应用特定于门和楼层的访问策略以增强建筑物的安全性。 [用户] 轻松添加、编辑和删除用户。您还可以分配个人和组级别的访问方法,例如 PIN 码或 UA 卡。 [活动] 查看详细的访问日志和读卡器视频捕获,随时随地跟踪本地活动。 【卡片】利用已有的NFC卡片或为系统用户分配新的UA卡片。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 如需求助、疑问或更多详细教程请访问无线论坛UBNT专版 更多教程请关注本站微信公众号,订阅UBNT教程,更详细更全面的专业教程!
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UniFi Network Controller控制器Android安卓版apk 10.14.2最新版

分类:软件    下载:21    浏览:1796    时间:2024-05-21
最新版本10.14.2更新日志 Last updated on 2024年05月15日 UniFi Android 10.14.2 improves overall app performance and stability. --------------------------------------------------------- 10.4.1 by Ubiquiti Inc. May 26, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------- Requires Android Android 7.0+ (N, API 24) 系统要求 Android 7.0+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如需求助、疑问或更多详细教程请访问无线论坛UBNT专版 Unifi相关设置教程 1.UBNT AP连接和供电说明 2.UBNT室内AP安装和拆卸说明 3.UBNT UniFi全系AP参数对比一览表 4.UBNT UniFi网关家族参数对比一览表 5.UniFi 控制器设置教程 6.将UniFi 控制器语言设为中文 7.UBNT UniFi Protect家族参数对比一览表 8.UniFi Cloud Key控制器设置教程 9.NAS上安装UniFi控制器完全教程 10.UniFi UDM-PRO旁路控制器设置完全教程 更多教程请关注本站微信公众号,订阅UBNT教程,更详细更全面的专业教程!
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WiFiman 安卓app apk v2.0.8

分类:软件    下载:2    浏览:1302    时间:2023-06-09
About WiFiman English WiFi scanner, network device discovery, speedtest ⏱ – free (no ads) by Ubiquiti WiFiman is here to save your network from sluggish surfing, endless buffering, and congested data channels. With this free-to-use (and ad-free) app, you can: * Detect available WiFi networks and Bluetooth LE devices instantly. * Scan network subnets for additional details on detected devices, such as Bonjour, SNMP, NetBIOS, and Ubiquiti discovery protocols. * Conduct download/upload speed tests, store results, compare network performance, and share insights with others. * Relocate your access points (APs) to nearby data channels to instantly increase signal strength and reduce traffic volume. * Test the connection speed between your UniFi Dream Machine or UDM Pro and mobile devices. * See enhanced details about all of the Ubiquiti devices on your network (UniFi, AmpliFi, AirMAX, EdgeMAX, EdgeRouter, EdgeSwitch, UISP, AirCube, AirFiber). What information does WiFiman show? You'll see IP address, netmask, gateway, DNS server, SSID, BSSID, signal strength, wireless channel, ping latency, and packet loss information. WiFiman's network tools include: * A network analyzer with WiFi 6 support and a signal strength meter. * WiFi speed testing. * Detailed network cell information. * A network scanner for device discovery. * A port scanner. What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.8 Last updated on May 27, 2023 * stability fixes
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