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IEEE 802a-2003.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:4    浏览:435    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802a-2003 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802-2001) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture Amendment 1: Ethertypes for Protoypes and Vendor-Specific Protocol Development Approved 22 September 2003 American National Standards Institute Approved 12 June 2003 IEEE-SA Standards Board Abstract: IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture,provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. This amendment to IEEE Std 802 identifies a set of Ethertypes that may be used for prototype and vendor specific use, and defines how the ethertypes should be used. Keywords: Ethertype protocol development, Local Area Networks (LANs), LAN/MAN architecture,LAN/MAN reference model, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), protocol identifier, protocol type
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IEEE 802-2001.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:10    浏览:713    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802-2001 (R2007) (Revision of IEEE Std 802-1990) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture Reaffirmed 21 March 2007 Approved 6 December 2001 Abstract: IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:Overview and Architecture, provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. It defines compliance with the family of IEEE 802 Standards; it describes the relationship of the IEEE 802 Standards to the Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model [ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994] and explains the relationship of these standards to the higher layer protocols; it provides a standard for the structure of LAN MAC addresses; and it provides a standard for identification of public, private, and standard protocols. Keywords: IEEE 802 standards compliance, Local Area Networks (LANs), LAN/MAN architecture,LAN/MAN reference model, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs).
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IEEE 802-1AXbk-2012.pdf

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IEEE Std 802.1AXbk-2012 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.1AX-2008) IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Link Aggregation Amendment 1: Protocol Addressing Approved 29 March 2012 Abstract: Link Aggregation allows one or more links to be aggregated together to form a Link Aggregation Group, such that a Media Access Control (MAC) Client can treat the Link Aggregation Group as if it were a single link. To this end, it specifies the establishment of data terminal equipment (DTE) to DTE logical links, consisting of N parallel instances of full-duplex, point-topoint links operating at the same data rate. The MAC independent Link Aggregation capability, and general information relevant to specific MAC types that support Link Aggregation, are defined in this standard. Keywords: Aggregated Link, Aggregator, IEEE 802.1AX, IEEE 802.1AXbk, Link Aggregation, Link Aggregation Group, local area network, management
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IEEE 802.22.2-2012.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:8    浏览:424    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.22.2-2012 IEEE Recommended Practice for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN)— Specific requirements Part 22.2: Installation and Deployment of IEEE 802.22 Systems Approved 30 August 2012 Abstract: Engineering practices for the installation and deployment of IEEE 802.22™ systems are discussed in this recommended practice. Keywords: broadband, cognitive radio, IEEE 802.22, IEEE 802.22.2, TV bands, white spaces
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IEEE 802.22.1-2010.pdf

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IEEE Std 802.22.1-2010 IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 22.1: Standard to Enhance Harmful Interference Protection for Low-Power Licensed Devices Operating in TV Broadcast Bands Approved 30 September 2010
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IEEE 802.21a-2012.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:3    浏览:416    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.21a-2012 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.21-2008) IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Part 21: Media Independent Handover Services Amendment 1: Security Extensions to Media Independent Handover Services and Protocol Approved 29 March 2012 Abstract: Extensions to IEEE Std 802.21-2008 are provided for security mechanisms to protect media independent handover services and mechanisms to use MIH to assist proactive authentication to reduce the latency due to media access authentication and key establishment with the target network. Keywords: IEEE 802.21, IEEE 802.21a, proactive authentication, service access authentication,security protection
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IEEE 802.21-2008.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:6    浏览:439    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.21-2008 IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Media Independent Handover Services Approved 11 November 2008 Abstract: This standard specifies IEEE 802® media access-independent mechanisms that optimize handovers between heterogeneous IEEE 802 systems and between IEEE 802 systems and cellular systems. Keywords: management, media independent handover, mobile node, mobility, seamless, point of attachment, point of service
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IEEE 802.20b-2010.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:2    浏览:386    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.20b-2010 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.1Q-2005) IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 15: Bridging of IEEE 802.20 Approved 9 November 2010 Abstract: This amendment specifies the mechanism for the support of bridging of IEEE 802.20 networks. Keywords: 802.20, bridging
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IEEE 802.20a-2010.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:10    浏览:384    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.20a-2010 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.20-2008) IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Part 20: Air Interface for Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems Supporting Vehicular Mobility— Physical and Media Access Control Layer Specification Amendment 1: Management Information Base Enhancements and Corrigenda Items Approved 8 December 2010 Abstract: This amendment enhances IEEE 802.20 Management Information Base (MIB) clauses to include additional information and MIB documentation (i.e., a discussion of security impacts, and cross references to the text for appropriate parameters within the MIB, itself) to conform with the applicable parts of the IETF’s 2008 guidelines for MIBs. The amendment also corrects any errors, inconsistencies, and ambiguities associated with the MIB clause of IEEE Std 802.20-2008. Keywords: 802.20, Management Information Base, MIB
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IEEE 802.20-2008.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:17    浏览:461    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.20-2008 IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 20: Air Interface for Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems Supporting Vehicular Mobility— Physical and Media Access Control Layer Specification Approved 12 June 2008 Abstract: The technical requirements of this standard form a compatibility standard for mobile broadband wireless access systems. The standard ensures that a compliant access terminal (AT) or user terminal (UT) can obtain service through any access node (AN) or base station (BS)conforming to properly selected modes of this standard, consistent with equipment and operator requirements, thus providing a framework for the rapid development of cost-effective, multivendor mobile broadband wireless access systems. This compatibility standard is targeted for use in a wide variety of licensed frequency bands and regulatory environments. This standard provides for future standardized extension capabilities. The architecture defined by this standard permits such expansion without the loss of backward compatibility. Keywords: access node, access terminal, base station, broadband, LAN, local area networks,MAN, metropolitan area networks, user terminal, vehicular mobility, wireless access
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IEEE 802.20.3-2010.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:4    浏览:410    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.20.3-2010 IEEE Standard for Minimum Performance Characteristics of IEEE 802.20 Terminals and Base Stations/Access Nodes Approved 25 March 2010 Abstract: This standard specifies minimum performance parameters and the associated test methodologies for implementation of IEEE 802.20 compliant systems. Keywords: LAN, MAN, mobile, wireless
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IEEE 802.20.2-2010.pdf

分类:无线标准    下载:6    浏览:405    时间:2021-01-07
IEEE Std 802.20.2-2010 IEEE Standard for Conformance to IEEE 802.20 Systems—Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma Approved 25 March 2010 Abstract: This standard represents the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Proforma, per ISO/IEC 9646-7 and ITU-T X.296, for conformance specification of access nodes and access terminals based on the air interface specified in IEEE Std 802.20. Keywords: PICS, Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Proforma
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