
- 分类:无线资料 - 设计开发
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- 版本:英文
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- 时间:2017-08-12
Coupled with a robust and efficient OFDM
air interface, MIMO technologies lead to a very
compelling high-speed data downlink solution
for future wireless systems. This article presents
Nortel Networks’ MIMO-OFDM concept prototype
and measured performance results. This
prototype has been developed in the framework
of a Nortel Networks system concept for 3G
evolution systems and next-generation wide area
wireless networks. The prototype is based on a
shared access MIMO-OFDM physical layer in
the downlink, supporting adaptive modulation
and coding, with peak rates up to 37 Mb/s. The
uplink is based on an enhanced UMTS WCDMA
physical layer. Performance for the high-speed
downlink has been measured under various emulated
fading conditions. The measured performance
illustrates the robustness of OFDM in
frequency-selective channels and high-speed
mobility channels, supporting speeds as high as
200 km/h. The prototype can also be used for
over-the-air assessment of the technology.
Coupled with a robust and efficient OFDM
air interface, MIMO technologies lead to a very
compelling high-speed data downlink solution
for future wireless systems. This article presents
Nortel Networks’ MIMO-OFDM concept prototype
and measured performance results. This
prototype has been developed in the framework
of a Nortel Networks system concept for 3G
evolution systems and next-generation wide area
wireless networks. The prototype is based on a
shared access MIMO-OFDM physical layer in
the downlink, supporting adaptive modulation
and coding, with peak rates up to 37 Mb/s. The
uplink is based on an enhanced UMTS WCDMA
physical layer. Performance for the high-speed
downlink has been measured under various emulated
fading conditions. The measured performance
illustrates the robustness of OFDM in
frequency-selective channels and high-speed
mobility channels, supporting speeds as high as
200 km/h. The prototype can also be used for
over-the-air assessment of the technology.
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加拿大人Eric Sauvageau在华硕开源的Asuswrt代码基础之上,个人进行二次开发以后,对外发布的第三方固件。最早是针对ASUS RT-N66U路由器进行开发,后来也移植到了华硕其他路由器机型。 Merlin原作者官网:https://www.asuswrt-merlin.net 国内所提供的梅林固件均源上述。 -
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