IEEE 802.1D-2004.pdf
IEEE Std 802.1D-2004
(Revision of IEEE Std 802.1D-1998)
IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges
Approved 4 June 2004
American National Standard Institute
Approved 9 February 2004
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Abstract:An architecture for the interconnection of IEEE 802 Local Area Networks (LANs) below the MAC Service boundary is defined. MAC Bridges, as specified by this standard, allow communications between end stations attached to separate LANs, each with its own separate MAC, to be transparent to logical link control (LLC) and network layer protocols, just as if the stations were attached to the same LAN.
Keywords:active topology, filtering, GARP, GMRP, LANs, local area networks, MAC Bridges,MAC Service, MANs, metropolitan area networks, multicast registration, transparent bridging,quality of service, RSTP, spanning tree
(Revision of IEEE Std 802.1D-1998)
IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges
Approved 4 June 2004
American National Standard Institute
Approved 9 February 2004
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Abstract:An architecture for the interconnection of IEEE 802 Local Area Networks (LANs) below the MAC Service boundary is defined. MAC Bridges, as specified by this standard, allow communications between end stations attached to separate LANs, each with its own separate MAC, to be transparent to logical link control (LLC) and network layer protocols, just as if the stations were attached to the same LAN.
Keywords:active topology, filtering, GARP, GMRP, LANs, local area networks, MAC Bridges,MAC Service, MANs, metropolitan area networks, multicast registration, transparent bridging,quality of service, RSTP, spanning tree
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加拿大人Eric Sauvageau在华硕开源的Asuswrt代码基础之上,个人进行二次开发以后,对外发布的第三方固件。最早是针对ASUS RT-N66U路由器进行开发,后来也移植到了华硕其他路由器机型。 Merlin原作者官网: 国内所提供的梅林固件均源上述。