RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications

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RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
Second Edition
首次出版时间: 1999 年
作者: 史蒂夫·C·克里普斯
Book Abstract:
This extensively revised edition of the bestselling Artech House book, RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, offers you a comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date understanding of how to tackle a power amplifier design with confidence and quickly determine the cause of malfunctioning hardware. Among the numerous updates, the Second Edition includes five new chapters on class AB PAs at GHz frequencies; switching PA modes at GHz frequencies; signals, modulation systems, and PA nonlinearities; power amplifier bias circuit design; and load-pull techniques. Chapters on efficiency enhancement methods and Class F design have been substantially extended, and many more practical examples and design tools are included on the accompanying CD-ROM. Supported with nearly 200 illustrations, the book contains the most complete survey of RF PA efficiency enhancement and linearization techniques in a single volume. It helps you design suitable matching networks which provide correct fundamental harmonic terminations for conventional (AB, B) high efficiency PA modes, understand the Class D, E, and F modes and their feasibility at microwave frequencies, and use envelope simulation techniques to analyze the effects of distortion in overdriven PAs. You learn how to maintain high efficiency operation at low points in an amplitude modulated signal envelope, including detailed coverage of the Doherty, Chireix, and Kahn techniques. Moreover, this authoritative resource helps you understand the possibilities and limitations of linearization methods, and offers guidance in objectively analyzing PA stability and oscillation problems.
Second Edition
首次出版时间: 1999 年
作者: 史蒂夫·C·克里普斯
Book Abstract:
This extensively revised edition of the bestselling Artech House book, RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, offers you a comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date understanding of how to tackle a power amplifier design with confidence and quickly determine the cause of malfunctioning hardware. Among the numerous updates, the Second Edition includes five new chapters on class AB PAs at GHz frequencies; switching PA modes at GHz frequencies; signals, modulation systems, and PA nonlinearities; power amplifier bias circuit design; and load-pull techniques. Chapters on efficiency enhancement methods and Class F design have been substantially extended, and many more practical examples and design tools are included on the accompanying CD-ROM. Supported with nearly 200 illustrations, the book contains the most complete survey of RF PA efficiency enhancement and linearization techniques in a single volume. It helps you design suitable matching networks which provide correct fundamental harmonic terminations for conventional (AB, B) high efficiency PA modes, understand the Class D, E, and F modes and their feasibility at microwave frequencies, and use envelope simulation techniques to analyze the effects of distortion in overdriven PAs. You learn how to maintain high efficiency operation at low points in an amplitude modulated signal envelope, including detailed coverage of the Doherty, Chireix, and Kahn techniques. Moreover, this authoritative resource helps you understand the possibilities and limitations of linearization methods, and offers guidance in objectively analyzing PA stability and oscillation problems.
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