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- 版本:简体中文
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- 时间:2017-07-29
(1. 南开大学信息科学技术学院,天津 300071;2. 天津理工大学计算机科学与工程系,天津 300191)
Research on 802.11-based Indoor Positioning Algorithm
WANG Chundong1,2, WANG Xiufeng1
(1. College of Information Science Technology, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071; 2. Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300191)
【Abstract】This paper focuses on how to position the mobile device indoor by using signal strength in 802.11-based system. It introduces a802.11-based positioning system called the maximal cluster centered positioning algorithm (MCCPA). The MCCP system locates mobile objects viacollecting the sensed power strengths of the mobile objects to multiple wireless access points. Based on realizing MCCPA, the paper gives a newalgorithm named MMCCPA to correct the positioning results by using the history record information of mobile devices. The main idea of MMCCPAis that it also considers the probability of users’ appearance in the specific area in order to correct results, as an adjustment to the environmentfactors, so as to increase the preciseness and decrease the count quantity.The experimental results show that the location information provided byMMCCPA assures higher correctness than MCCPA.
【Key words】Wireless networks; Signal strength; Positioning algorithm; 802.11; History record
(1. 南开大学信息科学技术学院,天津 300071;2. 天津理工大学计算机科学与工程系,天津 300191)
Research on 802.11-based Indoor Positioning Algorithm
WANG Chundong1,2, WANG Xiufeng1
(1. College of Information Science Technology, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071; 2. Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300191)
【Abstract】This paper focuses on how to position the mobile device indoor by using signal strength in 802.11-based system. It introduces a802.11-based positioning system called the maximal cluster centered positioning algorithm (MCCPA). The MCCP system locates mobile objects viacollecting the sensed power strengths of the mobile objects to multiple wireless access points. Based on realizing MCCPA, the paper gives a newalgorithm named MMCCPA to correct the positioning results by using the history record information of mobile devices. The main idea of MMCCPAis that it also considers the probability of users’ appearance in the specific area in order to correct results, as an adjustment to the environmentfactors, so as to increase the preciseness and decrease the count quantity.The experimental results show that the location information provided byMMCCPA assures higher correctness than MCCPA.
【Key words】Wireless networks; Signal strength; Positioning algorithm; 802.11; History record
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