IEEE 802.1X-2010.pdf
IEEE Std 802.1X-2010
(Revision of IEEE Std 802.1X-2004)
IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Port-Based Network Access Control
Approved 2 February 2010
Abstract: Port-based network access control allows a network administrator to restrict the use of IEEE 802® LAN service access points (ports) to secure communication between authenticated and authorized devices. This standard specifies a common architecture, functional elements, and protocols that support mutual authentication between the clients of ports attached to the same LAN and that secure communication between the ports, including the media access method independent protocols that are used to discover and establish the security associations used by IEEE 802.1AE MAC Security.
Keywords: access control, authentication, authorization, controlled port, key agreement, LANs, local area networks, MAC security, MAC Service, MANs, metropolitan area networks, port-based network access control, secure association, security, service access point, uncontrolled port
(Revision of IEEE Std 802.1X-2004)
IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Port-Based Network Access Control
Approved 2 February 2010
Abstract: Port-based network access control allows a network administrator to restrict the use of IEEE 802® LAN service access points (ports) to secure communication between authenticated and authorized devices. This standard specifies a common architecture, functional elements, and protocols that support mutual authentication between the clients of ports attached to the same LAN and that secure communication between the ports, including the media access method independent protocols that are used to discover and establish the security associations used by IEEE 802.1AE MAC Security.
Keywords: access control, authentication, authorization, controlled port, key agreement, LANs, local area networks, MAC security, MAC Service, MANs, metropolitan area networks, port-based network access control, secure association, security, service access point, uncontrolled port
2024-04-28 19:25
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Aruba 6xx/7xxxx控制器固件下载 -
加拿大人Eric Sauvageau在华硕开源的Asuswrt代码基础之上,个人进行二次开发以后,对外发布的第三方固件。最早是针对ASUS RT-N66U路由器进行开发,后来也移植到了华硕其他路由器机型。 Merlin原作者官网: 国内所提供的梅林固件均源上述。