Understanding the IEEE 802.3bt PoE Standard

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- 时间:2021-01-07
By Charlie Ice, Senior Product Manager, PoE Products, Silicon Labs and Kevin Kilbane, Senior Product Manager, PoE Products, Silicon Labs
• Power over Ethernet provides both data and power over a single Ethernet cable.
• The latest IEEE PoE standard, 802.3bt, provides up to 90 W of power onto an Ethernet cable while maintaining backwards compatibility with olde
With the introduction of the IEEE 802.3bt Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard, Ethernet cables can now carry up to 90 W of power, enabling a broad range of new applications. Yet, despite being in the market for over a decade, PoE technology can still be very confusing and misunderstood. The latest standard adds additional features beyond just increased power delivery, and it is also more complex than previous standards. In this white paper we will go over the basics of how PoE works, and then look the key features in the new 802.3bt standard.
• Power over Ethernet provides both data and power over a single Ethernet cable.
• The latest IEEE PoE standard, 802.3bt, provides up to 90 W of power onto an Ethernet cable while maintaining backwards compatibility with olde
With the introduction of the IEEE 802.3bt Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard, Ethernet cables can now carry up to 90 W of power, enabling a broad range of new applications. Yet, despite being in the market for over a decade, PoE technology can still be very confusing and misunderstood. The latest standard adds additional features beyond just increased power delivery, and it is also more complex than previous standards. In this white paper we will go over the basics of how PoE works, and then look the key features in the new 802.3bt standard.
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